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no access to JU
Published on July 25, 2005 By Manopeace In Blogging
I havn't been able to get to JoeUser since yesterday.... is it just me or is the site down again?
on Jul 25, 2005
on Jul 25, 2005
OMG... are we back?
on Jul 25, 2005
It was down.  There may be more times that it is taken down while we try to resolve the conflicts with our other sites.
on Jul 25, 2005
There may be more times that it is taken down while we try to resolve the conflicts with our other sites.

fair enough!
Is there any way we can get prior warning?
on Jul 25, 2005

Hi, mano, was trying to clean up my articles and sites this weekend, with Blog editor Pro by Stardock which I finally have, last night, through this Monday morning, to be exact german system time was about 13:55 10 minutes ago, JU was not behaving right for me, either. Yet I managed to clean up some WC articles + comments, not all of them for several reasons, some of which are not site issues.

Now JU seems to be on again, so let us say at 8:00 am eastern time, Monday, July 25, 2005 they probably turned it back on. Note than in one of the more than 12 issue threads I´ve been reading, I spotted one on Stardock or WC last week, where many people did not notice Janitor T-Man only said they were turning JU on again as of last thursday or so for a test and hoped it would work, which it did for several days. Everyone was exuberant + some don´t know about what he said.

What I think and hope is, when else can they test how it is working and do evaluation and further maintenance better than on a very late Sunday evening, which may also be why they at least tried to get it on or tested further on main traffic hours, like Monday morning. I am not panicking completely yet and expect this to be more reliable weeks or months later, however, Stardock and WC mostly work when Ju does not.

In the WC forums new links with the correctly cleaned up article headings of mine turned up but lead to the old versions, whereas on my WC site, and now JU also, the complete revised article appears. This can also be normal because both sites are independently updated as to links etc. 1 - 3 times a week, so that self corrects itself much later, especially when JU is on and off in the meantime.

They might update you on the old or some new site issue threads every 1-3 days, of course you may not always get in. Sometimes I got in to only the forums of JU, or sneaked in to blogs from WC.

Best regards, Toby

on Jul 25, 2005
Thanks Toby...
You be a very informative guy!
on Jul 25, 2005
Pleasure. But it was overcrossed by the correct info I could not see when editing. Guess its like I said. Take care. Will try to shut up
on Jul 25, 2005
Will try to shut up

DON'T...points are points
on Jul 25, 2005
are we down again??